Sanjivani 1 ltr

Package MRP [Rs.] Offer Price [Rs.] Saving [Rs.] Point Value
1 LTR PACKING 800 640 160 20
  • SANJIVANI is essential for the germination of pollen grains and the growth of pollen tubes. SANJIVANI is essential for seed and cell wall formation and it plays an important role in the development and growth of new cells.
  • SANJIVANI forms sugar/borate complexes associated with sugar translocation.
  • Absorption of salt and Harmon movement in the plant.
  • Regulation of Carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Easy to use due to its ease of solubility.
  • Maximum safety due to the absence of phytotoxicity problems for crops.
  • Fundamental product for correct flowering, pollination, and fruit development.
  • Flowering & Pollen Production and building Sugar Levels.
  • Improving the Fixation of Nitrogen and building Healthy Cell Walls.